BOAVA, ADAO ; IANO, YUZO . Optimizing DSL network through new architectures level 2 communication networks. Revista IEEE América Latina

, v. 14, p. 380-385, 2016.
CARDOSO, P. E. R. ; IANO, YUZO ; PAJUELO, D. ; R. Barbieri . We Measured and Have Expanded the Space for More Services in Digital Television. SET International Journal of Broadcast Engineering, v. 2, p. 67-71, 2016.
PAJUELO, D. ; IANO, YUZO ; CARDOSO, P. E. R. ; R. Barbieri . High Dynamic Range Content in ISDB-Tb System. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, v. 2, p. 24-29, 2016.
P. E. R. Cardoso, Y. Iano, S. R. M. Carvalho, H. J. Loschi, R. F. Pinheiro, and T. V. Silva, “Técnicas de Projeto para Atendimento aos Requisitos de Cobertura de Estações de FM,” Set Expo Proc., vol. 1, no. 1, 2015.
Correia Santos, M., Iano, Y.; 2015. MPEG-SCORM: ontologia de metadados interoperáveis entre TV Digital e e-Learning. SET EXPO PROCEEDINGS. ISSN Print: 2447-0481.ISSN Online: 2447-049X. v.1. doi: 10.18580/setep.2015.1.1. Web Link:
LUSTOSA, T. C. ; LOSCHI, H, J. ; IANO, YUZO ; MORETTI, A. . The importance of Integrated Network Management and Telecom Service Through Time. In: international Workshop on Telecommunication - (IWT), 2015, Santa Rita do Sapucaí. v. 5. p. 171-175. doi:
Loschi, H. , Leon, J. , Iano, Y. , Filho, E. , Conte, F. , Lustosa, T. and Freitas, P. (2015) Energy Efficiency in Smart Grid: A Prospective Study on Energy Management Systems. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 6, 250-259. doi:
Agord M. Pinto Jr., Yuzo Iano, Leandro T. Manera, Raphael R. N. Souza. An Optimization Tool-Based Design Strategy Applied to Divide-by-2 Circuits with Unbalanced Loads, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:9, No:6, 2015.
Loschi, H. , Iano, Y. , León, J. , Moretti, A. , Conte, F. and Braga, H. (2015) A Review on Photovoltaic Systems: Mechanisms and Methods for Irradiation Tracking and Prediction. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 6, 187-208. doi:
Loschi, H. , Iano, Y. , Ferrarezi, R. , Ferrarezi, N. and Conte, F. (2015) Metrological Analysis of Sunflower Prototype. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 6, 41-47. doi: 10.4236/sgre.2015.63004.
HIGA, ROGÉRIO SEIJI ; IANO, YUZO ; LEITE, RICARDO BARROSO ; CHAVEZ, ROGER FREDY LARICO ; ARTHUR, RANGEL . Employing Light Field Cameras in Surveillance: An Analysis of Light Field Cameras in a Surveillance Scenario. 3D Research, v. 5, p. 5, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s13319-013-0005-0
LOPES DE FARIA, J. M. ; ANDREAZZI DUARTE, D. ; LARICO CHAVEZ, R. F. ; ARTHUR, A. M. ; ARTHUR, R. ; Iano, Y. . Reliability and validity of digital assessment of perifoveal capillary network measurement using high-resolution imaging. British Journal of Ophthalmology
, v. 98, p. 1-729, 2014. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304100
H. J. Loschi, R. Ferrarezi, N. M. Rocha, A. A. Silva, Y. Iano, Solar Tracking System Installed with photovoltaic (PV) Panels to Connection Grid Tie Low Voltage (Sunflower), Energy and Power, Vol. 4 No. 3, 2014, pp. 49-53. doi:10.5923/j.ep.20140403.01
Leandro Lima, Yuzo Iano, Architecture of a Fpga-Based Control of a Static Power Buck Converter, Anais do Simpósio de Processamento de Sinais da UNICAMP. ISSN 2359-3334
SCHNEIDER, H. M. . A backtrack-free process for deriving product family members. In: Configuration Workshop 2014, 2014, Novi Sad, Servia. Proceedings of the 16th International Configuration Workshop, 2014. v. 1220. p. 23-30. Published Link
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