BTSym'21 - Satellite Event Perú - Virtual Event
7th Brazilian Technology Symposium
January 12 - 14. Puno - Peru, 2022
Welcome to BTSymBTSym'21 is going virtual.In place of the in-person event, BTSym'21 will be held as a virtual conference.The BTSym'21 organizing committee invites researchers to attend and submit papers addressing the current research topics of interest. In 2022, on 12th, 13th and 14th January, there will be a satellite event at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Puno-Perú. Proceedings of the event will be published by the Springer Nature publisher through the book Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Technology Symposium. This event seeks to bring together researchers, students and professionals from the industrial and academic sectors, seeking to create and/or strengthen the linkages between issues of joint interest. Participants are invited to submit research papers, case studies, articles of opinion or posters, showing studies, methodologies and results achieved in scientific level research projects, completion of course work for graduation, dissertations and theses. The areas of knowledge covered by the event are:
Authors are invited to submit a paper in research article, review article, case study, opinion article, poster, or short commentaries form, that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works, and industrial experiences describing significant advances. Indexing: The books of this series "Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies" are submitted to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
Important Dates:Submission of Proposals deadline:September 30th, 2021 November 30th, 2021 Registration deadline:December 28th, 2021
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