The proposal of the BTSym'18 includes the discussion of topics widely disseminated in the academic and scientific milieu of several areas of knowledge, always mediated by renowned professionals of each area, allowing dialogues that can enrich the knowledge of all the participants, whether student, professional, researcher or teacher.
Official Opening and Closing
Moderator: Eng. MS.c. Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Catholic University of Campinas (PUC Campinas), with MBAs in the areas of Business Logistics (FGV) and Project Management also by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), specializing in Urban Mobility Planning, Modeling and Management (UNIMEP And University Belgium Liège) and Quality and Productivity through the technical college of Unicamp (Cotuca). With 17 years of experience working as a US multinational in Information Technology, he has developed expertise in several areas such as government relations for local manufacturing (PPB), regulation of computer and telecommunication products (INMETRO and ANATEL), as well as international contract management for the local manufacture of computer products, management of the supply chain of manufacturing and delivery, among other activities. With a consolidated professional career, began in 2013 a new journey of personal development to dedicate to research. The chosen area corresponds to the information technology (due to the professional knowledge acquired during the 17 years of experience) applied to the urban infrastructure (due to its area of formation). Since then, he has been dedicated to the area of study in intelligence for cities (smarts cities) with an emphasis on urban infrastructure and telecommunications, where he holds a Master's degree from PUC Campinas (Dec / 2016). PhD student at UNICAMP (FECC) is developing a study in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) applied to the model of intelligent city to the Brazilian context, defended in his Master's Dissertation.
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Opening Speaker - First Day - from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Paulo Sérgio de Arruda Ignácio, PhD.
Doctor in Civil Engineering by LALT / DGT / FEC / UNICAMP (2010), in the area of Transport Engineering. Holding a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (1985) and a Master's degree in Quality Management from IMECC (2001). He is currently Professor and Associate Coordinator of the Production Engineering Course at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He is referee adhoc in journals, has published papers at journals and conferences and also has experience in consulting for small and large national and international companies. Interests and activities in research groups focused on production engineering, including: supply chain management; management of operations and services, with emphasis on operations management, lean thinking, logistics, productivity, warehousing, sustainability, quality and performance measurement, with system modeling.
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Closing Spearker - Third Day - from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Hermes Aguiar Magalhães, PhD.
Hermes Magalhães got his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at UFMG in 1987, M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering at ITA in 1991, and MBA in Business Management at FGV in 1998. His professional skills comprise more than 25 years working experience in industry areas like underwater engineering, telecommunications, digital and image signal processing, acting as a developer, consulting, startups CEO as well as executive of big companies, always designing and delivering high-tech innovative products. Hermes got his Ph.D in 2008 and post-doc in electronic systems for magnetic resonance imaging both at UFMG, where in 2011 he became professor at Electronic Engineering Department. He currently works in research projects together with industry and coordinates at UFMG the transversal initiative OPEI, acronym for "Workshop of Projects, Entrepreneurship and Innovation". OPEI is a experience-based learning discipline, with presence in five different UFMG schools, where more than 500 students have attended, from 20 different courses in past five years. Currently he is also School of Engineering´s manager of UFMG agreement with Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology - SCET at University of California, Berkeley.
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Panel discussion 1: The present panel intends to explore emerging issues in academia and productive sector in the scope of industry 4.0 and innovation, pointing out trends and bottlenecks. In this panel, the topics are: scanning, innovation models, digital factory, cyber-physical systems, IoT, IoS, quality 4.0, logistics 4.0 and innovation 4.0. - from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 1
Moderator: Profa. Alessandra Cristina Santos Akkari, PhD.
She holds a bachelor's degree in Science and Technology - BC&T from Federal University of ABC (2011), bachelor's degree in Management Engineering from Federal University of ABC (2014) and doctorate at Biossistemas from Federal University of ABC (2015), in the Laboratory of Prospecting and Characterization of Bioactives of UFABC. Member of the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering - ABEPRO, evaluator of courses by the Student Guide and consultant in the area of Education and implementation of active teaching methodologies in technology-based courses. She is currently a research professor at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Center for Science and Technology and a member of the Mackenzie Entrepreneurship group. She is a leader of the CNPq Research Group - Innovation, Materials and Sustainability Engineering with interest in the areas of Industry 4.0, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
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Speaker: Prof. Francisco Piorino Neto, PhD.
He holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering (1979), a Master's degree in Materials from the Federal University of São Carlos (1990), and a PhD in Materials Engineering from USP / EEL (2000). Part of the course and experiments on ceramic characterization at high temperatures , made at the University of Manchester (UMIST), England. He is currently a post-graduate professor at the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). He was, for 38 years, researcher (holder III) of the Materials Division - AMR, of the IAE Aeronautics and Space Institute belonging to the DCTA - Department of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies. During this period he was able to develop and execute projects, having acted as manager. Acted in the implementation of the total quality program with the implementation of standards and procedures. He was the head of the mechanical properties laboratory where he deployed the characterization of materials at high temperatures (up to 1400 C) and also in the creep laboratory (traction and compression). He was a level 2 researcher at CNPq. Participates as guest reviewer of national journals. Participated in conferences and conferences abroad and in various national events. Having conducted two doctoral theses, four master's dissertations, and 14 scientific initiation works. currently directs two doctoral projects. He participated in several research projects interacting with several collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works. He held the position of head of the mechanical testing section in the Materials Division of IAE, which also includes the laboratory at high temperature and creep characterization. He participated in the CIAM (CNPq) project, interacting directly with the University of California-Santa Barbara / USB-USA and CINVESTAV in Mexico, focusing on the development of material for application as thermal barriers, where he carried out experiments and measurements. He has experience in Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, with emphasis in the Characterization of Ceramic and Metallic Materials, working mainly in the following subjects: Development of materials, Mechanical tests at elevated temperatures, creep, Studies of coatings for thermal protection by plasma , Laser and EBPVD. Results analysis by Weibull statistic. It also works in the use of non destructive tests applied to the characterization of structural materials. and mechanical tests monitored with estensometry and acoustic emission.
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Speaker: Claudio Thiago Avila Menezes.
Solid trajectory as an entrepreneur in the sectors of international trade, machinery industry and mining. Director of INDUSTRIAL Ventures - venture builder that invests in startups with industrial technologies - and Director of INDUSTRIAL LAB COindustrial industrial coworking that will be inaugurated in the city of São Paulo.
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Panel discussion 2: This panel will address discussions on topics such as Technologies and Innovations for Teaching and Learning, Active Learning Methodologies, Learning Evaluation Instruments, Social Emotional Abilities and Social Emotional Abilities Evaluation Instruments. - from 4:30 pm to 8:15 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 2

Moderator: Profa. Suelene Silva Mammana, PhD.
Graduated in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1994), Master's degree in Materials Science from the University of São Paulo (1997), Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of São Paulo (2002), Post-Doctoral in Nanomaterials from the International Technology Center / Research Triangle Park – North Carolina – USA (2004). She is currently a professor and researcher at the Center for Science and Technology of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (CCT), as well as International Representative of the university campus in the city of Campinas. Has experience in the area of Physics on the nanostructured films, CVD films, carbon nanotubes, copper oxides, microtubes, cutting tools, photonic crystals, information displays, touch screens, electroluminescent thin film lamps, hybrid solar cells and low flow rates. She also works in the field of education, studies and researches active teaching-learning methodologies, inclusive education, accessibility, sustainability, assistive technology and universal design. She is a research professor at the Research Group CNPq - Engineering of Innovation, Materials and Sustainability with interest in the areas of Industry 4.0, teaching-learning methodologies and population aging.
Speaker: Marilda Emmanuel Novaes Lipp, PhD.
She graduated in psychology from American University. She is a PhD in Clinical Psychology from George Washington University. She holds postdoctoral degrees in social stress from the National Institute of Health, USA. She is the President of the Institute of Psychology and Stress Control (IPCS) and President of the Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies. She is a member of the Paulista Academy of Psychology. She has extensive experience in the area of quality of life and stress and its implications both here in the United States, China and Europe. She is the author / coauthor of 25 books on stress, pioneers in Brazil. Conducts trainings and lectures in Courts of Justice and Secretariats of Public Security. Advises some of the biggest companies in the areas of stress, productivity, well being and quality of life.
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Speaker: Sra. Mirian Rodrigues
Bachelor in Systems Analysis by PUC-Campinas and an enthusiast in Technology. She began her career at IBM in both national and international projects and followed her professional growth focused on digital transformation in companies across diverse business segments such as Ambev, TimeForFun and Louis Dreyfus Commodities. Today as VP of Technology at Pearson Brazil, she leads a team committed to transforming the world through education by applying technology trends to a personalized and quality education.
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Speaker: Sr. César Martins
Serial entrepreneur in the area of technology and education. Co-Founder of Happy Code, the largest network of technology and innovation schools for children and adolescents in Brazil where he currently serves as Director of Technology and Innovation.
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Speaker: Sr. Eng. Igor Avila Amaral de Souza
Bachelor in Control and Automation Engineering at Unicamp. He works as Product Manager, being responsible for the client side applications, at Griaule, a Brazilian company focused on the development of biometric software.
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Panel discussion 3: The panel will be on processes of the chemical and food industries. Topics covered: Energy, Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels, Environmental Engineering and Clean Technologies, Food Engineering, Transport Phenomena and Particulate Systems, Materials and Nanotechnology, Biotechnological Processes, Chemical Reactions and Catalysis, Simulation, Process Optimization and Control, Thermodynamics and Separations and Teaching in Chemical and Food Engineering. - from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 3
Moderator: Profa. Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa, PhD.
Professor of thermal and fluids at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at São Francisco University (USF). She holds a PhD in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of Physical Separations, funded by Cnpq, with a sandwich doctorate from the University of Alberta, funded by the PDSE-CAPES program. She holds a Master's Degree in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of process engineering applied to the food industry, funded by CAPES. She holds a degree in Food Engineering from the University of Taubaté (2008) and has completed three scientific initiation projects funded by FAPESP.
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Speaker: Prof. Marcus Bruno Soares Forte, PhD.
He is currently a Ph.D. Professor at the Faculty of Food Engineering at UNICAMP. He was a Ph.D. Professor at the School of Engineering of Lorena at USP. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Food Engineering from the UFPB (2006), a Master's Degree in Food Engineering from UNICAMP (2008), a PhD in Food Engineering from UNICAMP (2013) and a Sanduíche Internship (2011) at the Blaise Pascal University - France, post doctoral in the Department of Food Engineering of UNICAMP (2014). He has experience in Food Engineering, with emphasis on Bioprocess Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: Development of strategies to obtain biofuels and functional and / or bioactive compounds applied in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, among others. fermentative and enzymatic processes using substrates from agroindustrial residues (sugarcane bagasse and straw, bagasse and fruit peels among other lignocellulosic biomasses). Alternative methods for the pre-treatment and use of these agroindustrial residues using ionic liquids to obtain second generation ethanol and other high value-added bioproducts with potential applications in drugs and foods, such as xylitol. Separation and purification of biotechnological products using adsorption columns (kinetics, equilibrium and mathematical modeling) and membrane processes (ultra / nanofiltration). Use of biochemical mixing and tubular reactors (fixed bed columns) in different bioprocesses: purification of bioproducts, application of immobilized enzymes and detoxification of hemicellulosic hydrolysates. Knowledge and experience in Experimental Planning and Process Optimization through Response Surface Analysis methodology.
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Speaker: Daniel Atala, PhD.
Graduated in Food Engineering from FURG, MSc and PhD Degree in Food Engineering from Unicamp and Post-Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Unicamp. More than 10 years of experience in operational and management positions in Research, Development, Innovation and Projects in companies such as CTBE, Raízen, BP and CTC. Experience in technology portfolio management aimed at improving production, increasing performance, intensifying processes identification and resolution of technological and operational bottlenecks. Total management of the R&D area, involving the processes, budgets, structuring and leadership of teams of technicians and specialists. Experience in the development of technologies from conception through feasibility studies, pilot and demonstration plant trials and industrial scale application. History of success, managing innovation projects and optimization of industrial processes, with significant increases in productivity and production capacity in the sugar-energy sector. Leadership in project management, acting as the main interface with the company's areas and, externally, with other companies and research institutes. International experience in the United States, seeking synergies and guiding projects at the BP research center. Design and Simulation, Statistical Analysis, Industry 4.0, Instrumentation and Process Control, Six Sigma (BPM), Industrial Design and Control of Industrial Design and Concepts (CVP - BP) Experimental Planning (DOE), Process Optimization, Retrofit and Debugging and Lean Manufacturing.
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Panel discussion 4: Telecommunication, Product Development and Innovation in Mobile Systems, New Products and services, 4G and 5G cellphone mobile systems, Visual Computing, Image and Video Processing, Machine Learning, human-computer interaction using image processing, image processing for real-time control, medical image processing, New Generation of Digital TV, Interactivity in Digital TV, Broadcast and Broadband Systems. - from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 4
Moderator: Prof. David Bianchini, PhD.
David Bianchini holds a degree in electronic engineering from Escola de Engenharia Mauá (1979) with 20 years of professional experience in telecommunications companies (Ecodata and EMBRATEL). His postgraduate studies in Administration by the University of São Francisco - USF, the Master's Degree in Education by PUC-Campinas on the Quality of Higher Education and the Doctorate in Education by the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2003) focused on Science, Education and Technology. He recently specialized in Psychoanalysis - theory and technique at the Center for Training and Health Care - CEFAS (2013 - 2016). He held positions at PUC-Campinas as coordinator of the Electrical Engineering Course, Director of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Informatics - Master degree in Informatics - area of concentration: Telecommunications and Information Systems - Management of Networks and Services, and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering - Professional Master's Degree. He presided over the Committee of Ethics in Research with Human Beings of this University in the triennium 2013-2016. He works as a full professor at PUC-Campinas.
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Second Day
Panel Discussion 5: Construction automation and Robotics in Civil Engineering, Construction 4.0, Technologies in Design, BIM – Building Information Model. - from 2:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 1
Moderator: Prof. MSc. João Carlos Gabriel.
He is currently the Coordinator and teacher of the Civil Engineering course at the Center for Sciences and Technology – CCT at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University in Campinas. Master in Civil Engineering at Unicamp, graduated in Civil Engineering at Puccamp, Control and Automation Engineering at Unicamp, Materials Science at Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, Chemical Engineering at Unicamp, B. S. degree in Physics at Unicamp and in Business Administration at Puccamp. MBA in Construction, Management and Assembly. Experience in risk analysis and insurance, sales and applications of chemicals in industrial water treatment (boilers, cooling towers and industrial effluents), production and development of PVC doors and windows, industrial projects (piping, instrumentation, control and automation) - design, construction and assembly. Worked at Texas Instruments, Hanover Seguros, Buckman Laboratories, Tigre-Doors and Windows, Greiner Bio-One, KGB (Industrial Projects).
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Speaker: Prof. Sergio Vicente Denser Pamboukian, PhD.
He holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1988), a master's degree in Computer Science (Area: Software Engineering) from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1998) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2007). He is currently Adjunct Professor II, coordinator of the Computer Teaching Nucleus and coordinator of the Geotechnology Laboratory at the Engineering School of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Mackenzie Journal of Engineering and Computation (RMEC). He has experience in Computer Science, with emphasis in Informatics in Education and Object Oriented Languages, working mainly in the following topics: programming languages, object oriented programming, education, geotechnologies, data acquisition systems, monitoring and control, engineering and computing.
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Panel Discussion 6: Product Development and Innovation; Sustainable Development and Environmental Management; Economic engineering; Organizational Engineering; Factory Project; Lean manufacturing; Integrated management system; Quality; Metrology; Manufacturing Automation and Strategic Management. - from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 1
Moderator: Prof. MSc. Luiz Vicente Figueira de Mello Filho.
Coordinator of the Production Engineering Course at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, campus Campinas, since 2015. He began teaching in 2011 at the Engineering School of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Higienópolis campus. Experience of ten years in automotive multinational industry in Product Engineering, Technical Support, After Sales Services and Experimental Engineering areas and five years of professional experience in the pioneer company in the environmental vehicle inspection in the city of São Paulo, responsible technician with focus on Standardization and management of productive units of services. He holds a master's degree in Automotive Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2009), postgraduate degree in Communication and Marketing from the Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2005), holds bachelor's degree in Business Administration (2002) and in Mechanical Engineering (1999) by the Mackenzie Presbiterian University.
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Speaker: Mr. Carlos Paiva. be defined...
Speaker: Mr. Lino Belli Junior. be defined...
Panel Discussion 7: Cyberphysicallab_Huge Networks: Smart grid cyber security; IoT enabled smart grid architectures, models and protocols; Communication networks for smart grids and smart metering; Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Sensor, actuator, and machine-to-machine (M2M) networks for smart grid, and micro-grids; Reliability, availability, resiliency, and robustness of smart grid; Smart grid data security, mobility; Data security Simulation and performance analysis of smart grid communications and operations; Real-time networks.
Cyberphysicallab_Electronics for Air and Space: Sensors and Actuators for Air and Space; Power Electronics design for dynamic control of electric motors; Sustainable energy supply, energy harvesting systems; Air and Space Robotics; Radiation Effects on electronic components and systems; Big data digital processing on avionics systems; Real-time SHM (Structural Health Monitoring).
Cyberphysicallab_Electronics for Medicine: Controlled energy transfer for surgical apparatus; Identification of surgical items with magnetic markers. - from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 2
Moderator: Prof. Osamu Saotome, PhD.
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA (1974), Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the Digital Signal Processing modality, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (1984) and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the modality of Processing Digital Signals, Tokyo Institute of Technology (1987). He has experience in Electronic Engineering with focus on Electronic Circuits, Microprocessors, DSPs, Embedded Electronic Systems, FPGAs, Intelligent Sensors, Embedded Software, Avionics Systems, Electronic Aerospace Systems, acting in the following subjects: real-time systems , electronic devices and systems, algorithms, digital signal processing, digital image and video processing, FPGA systems design, radar receivers, global geo-positioning systems, GNSS, GPS. He has experience in Mechatronics Systems Engineering, in the Aerial Robotics, Inertial Systems, Ultra-High Reliability Systems, Certifiable Avionics Systems, acting on the following subjects: quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets, artificial satellite board computer, autonomous navigation of aerial robots, electronic circuits for air, space and medicine.
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Panel Discussion 8: This panel will address current issues on key topics in the area, such as Smart Cities, IoT, Algorithms and Smart Processes, Sustainable Mobility, Smart Urban Mobility, Smart Parking, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Utilities, Smart Health, Smart Buildings, Smart Grid and Smart Environment. - from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 3
Moderator: Prof. MSc. Telmo Cardoso Lustosa.
He holds bachelor's degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering by the National School of Engineering (currently Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). He also worked at Embratel in the area of network and service management and hold a Master's degree from UNICAMP, in 2017, with thesis on the application of the concepts of management in projects of intelligent cities.
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Speaker: Luis Fernando Gonzalez.
Graduated in Bachelor Physics, Medical Physics, Biomedical Physics and a Masters in Physics from the State University of Campinas. He is currently a PhD student in co-tutelage at the State University of Campinas and University of Paris 7, working in the collaborations of high energy experimental physics Double Chooz (France) and Neutrinos Angra (Brazil). Data Scientist at Inmetrics and Konker, where he works on the development of IoT solutions with analytics and Machine Learning.
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Speaker: Carlos Alberto dos Santos Passos.
Doctor in Electrical Engineering in the area of Computing and Industrial Automation - Unicamp, in 1993 (Concept Capes 7) and Specialization in Production Engineering at LAAS in Toulouse / France in 1989/1990. Currently, he is an Advisor to CT & I in the Secretariat of Economic, Social and Tourism Development of the Municipality of Campinas. He is also Executive Secretary of the City Council of Science, Technology and Innovation of Campinas (CMCTI), member of the Advisory Board of the Jean Yves Neveux Foundation (FJYN), member of the Superior Council of the Scientific and Technological Park of Unicamp and member of the Superior Council of the Incubator of Technology-Based Companies of Unicamp (Incamp). He was a researcher at the Renato Archer Information Technology Center (CTI) at MCTI. At CTI, he was also Coordinator of the CTI-Tec Technology Park from 2010 to 2014, General R & D Coordinator from 2000 to 2010, Deputy Director and Interim Director of the Institute of Automation (IA / CTI) from 1996 to 2000, Coordinator of Department of Manufacturing Automation, Head of the Business Management Division, Head of the Division of Robotics and Computer Vision, among others. He was also a member of the City Council of the City of Campinas (Concidade). Has experience in the area of Production Engineering and Computing, with emphasis on Planning, Business Management, Project and Production Systems Control. He coordinated the PIBIC / CNPq program at CTI from 1999 to 2008. He was a post-graduate professor at Unicamp, IASP and INPG. He was Vice-President of the Fórum Campinas Foundation (FFC) from 2011 to 2015, member of the Scientific Technical Council of the CTI from 2001 to 2015, Senior Examiner of the Project of Excellence in Technological Research of ABIPTI and Examiner of PQGF / MPOG. Among others, he acts as a reviewer of scientific journals and national and international congresses, and was facilitator of the Industrial Benchmarking of the Best Practices Program for Industrial Excellence - PMPEI, developed and coordinated by IEL / SC. He is ad hoc consultant of FAPESP, CNPq, FINEP, Softex, World Bank and others. He also served in the PADCT, as a member of Evaluation Committees, ad hoc consultant and the evaluation team of the Technological Development Program. He participated in the organization of several scientific and international conferences, and was the General Chair of IFAC MCPL 2013. He is a former Research Productivity Fellow at CNPq.
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Panel Discussion 9: Topics such as: Environmental Education, Selective Collection, Recycling of Electronic Materials and University Extension Projects with presentation of papers, expanded abstract, oral communication, round table and / or lectures will be addressed. - from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Locate: Mackenzie University - Postgraduate room 4
Moderator: Profa. Ana Cláudia Seixas, PhD.
Degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Maringá, a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Maringá and a PhD in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2006). Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University Campinas, working mainly on the following topics: solid waste, selective collection, wastewater treatment and treatment of water supply, environmental technologies. Was Representative of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas to compose the Municipal Technical Group of Policy and the National Environmental Education Plan - Campinas City Hall. Currently Develops Plans and Extension Projects at PUC-CAMPINAS under the theme Actions of University Extension Focused on the Integrated Management of Solid Waste.
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Speaker: Prof. MSc. Sergio Roberto Pereira
Graduated and Master in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. He has worked for 32 years in various positions of research, development, project coordination, business development in TELEBRAS System and Fundação CPqD. He was director of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at PUC-CAMPINAS from 2014-2018. He has been a Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-CAMPINAS) since 1987 and has been Deputy Director of the Center for Exact, Environmental and Technology Sciences (CEATEC) since 2018. Counselor of the Municipal Science and Technology Committee (CMCT & ) in the Municipality of Campinas since 2017. He has experience in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering, with emphasis on Telecommunication Networks and Market Management and Technological Evolution, working mainly on the following topics: Computer Networks, Telecommunication Network Management, TMN , Integrated Management of Networks and Services, Strategic Planning and Mobile Mobile Telephony.
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The purpose of this board is to reflect on the curricular model adopted by most engineering institutions in the area of engineering, as well as to reflect on the aspects of interest in the training of Brazilian engineers and in the interrelationship: academia, business sector.