The proposal of the BTSym'20 includes the discussion of topics widely disseminated in the academic and scientific milieu of several areas of knowledge, always mediated by renowned professionals of each area, allowing dialogues that can enrich the knowledge of all the participants, whether student, professional, researcher or teacher.
Official Opening and Closing
Moderator: Eng. MS.c. Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão.
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Catholic University of Campinas (PUC Campinas), with MBAs in the areas of Business Logistics (FGV) and Project Management also by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), specializing in Urban Mobility Planning, Modeling and Management (UNIMEP And University Belgium Liège) and Quality and Productivity through the technical college of Unicamp (Cotuca). With 17 years of experience working as a US multinational in Information Technology, she has developed expertise in several areas such as government relations for local manufacturing (PPB), regulation of computer and telecommunication products (INMETRO and ANATEL), as well as international contract management for the local manufacture of computer products, management of the supply chain of manufacturing and delivery, among other activities. With a consolidated professional career, began in 2013 a new journey of personal development to dedicate to research. The chosen area corresponds to the information technology (due to the professional knowledge acquired during the 17 years of experience) applied to the urban infrastructure (due to its area of formation). Since then, she has been dedicated to the area of study in intelligence for cities (smarts cities) with an emphasis on urban infrastructure and telecommunications, where she holds a Master's degree from PUC Campinas (Dec / 2016). PhD student at UNICAMP (FECC) is developing a study in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) applied to the model of intelligent city to the Brazilian context, defended in his Master's Dissertation.
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"EMBRAPA in Brazilian Agribusiness"
Speaker: Dr. Silvia Massruhá, PhD.
Head-general of Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. PhD in applied computing, she has been a researcher at Embrapa since 1989, leading projects in artificial intelligence, scientific computing and software engineering applied to agriculture. She is a member of the Câmara do Agro 4.0, created by the ministries of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and Science, Technology, Innovations (MCTI).
"How much does your square meter cost? An analyse of human mobility"
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Luiz Vicente Figueira de Mello Filho, PhD.
Consultant in the area of urban mobility and professor of the Civil and Production Engineering Course at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Campinas campus, since 2015. Five and a half years of experience in coordinating the Production Engineering Course and one and a half years in coordinating the course of Civil Engineering. He started teaching in 2011 at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University School of Engineering, Higienópolis campus. Ten years of experience in a multinational industry in the Automotive sector in the areas of Product Engineering, Technical Support, After Sales Services and Experimental Engineering and five years of professional experience in the company Controlar S / A, a pioneer in environmental vehicle inspection in the city of São Paulo, technical responsible with focus on standardization and management of service production units. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Communication Department - DECOM - FEEC at Unicamp (2020), a master's degree in Automotive Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2009), a postgraduate degree in Communication and Marketing from Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2005), graduation in Business Administration (2002) and in Mechanical Engineering (1999), both from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
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Panel Discussion 1: Technology and Industrial Processes.
Moderator: Profa. Dra. Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa, PhD.
Professor of thermal and fluids at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at São Francisco University (USF). She holds a PhD in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of Physical Separations, funded by CNPq, with a sandwich doctorate from the University of Alberta, funded by the PDSE-CAPES program. She holds a Master's Degree in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of process engineering applied to the food industry, funded by CAPES. She holds a degree in Food Engineering from the University of Taubaté (2008) and has completed three scientific initiation projects funded by FAPESP.
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Panel Discussion 2: Applied Robotics and Real Time Signal Processing.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Osamu Saotome, PhD.
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA (1974), Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the Digital Signal Processing modality, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (1984) and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the modality of Processing Digital Signals, Tokyo Institute of Technology (1987). He has experience in Electronic Engineering with focus on Electronic Circuits, Microprocessors, DSPs, Embedded Electronic Systems, FPGAs, Intelligent Sensors, Embedded Software, Avionics Systems, Electronic Aerospace Systems, acting in the following subjects: real-time systems , electronic devices and systems, algorithms, digital signal processing, digital image and video processing, FPGA systems design, radar receivers, global geo-positioning systems, GNSS, GPS. He has experience in Mechatronics Systems Engineering, in the Aerial Robotics, Inertial Systems, Ultra-High Reliability Systems, Certifiable Avionics Systems, acting on the following subjects: quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets, artificial satellite board computer, autonomous navigation of aerial robots, electronic circuits for air, space and medicine.
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Second Day
Panel Discussion 3: Technology Applied to Buildings.
Moderator: Profa. Dra. Cláudia Cotrim Pezzuto, PhD.
She is currently a permanent professor at PPG in Urban Infrastructure Systems at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. She holds a doctorate in Civil Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2007), a master's degree in Urban Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (2003 and a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda (1994). She has experience in Architecture and Urbanism, acting mainly on the following themes: urban thermal comfort, urban climate, energy efficiency, cycle transport, non-motorized transport, and thermal performance in buildings.
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Moderator: Profa. Dra. Lia Toledo Moreira Mota, PhD.
She is an Electrical Engineer graduated from the State University of Campinas (1998), with a master's degree in Electrical Engineering (2001), a PhD in Electrical Engineering (2005) and a Post-doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2006); in Electrical Engineering from McGill University (2006-2007), Montreal, Canada; and in Energy Efficiency by the State University of Campinas (2010). Currently, she is a PhD Professor, in Dedication Scheme (40h), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas; member of IEEE and SOBRAPO; Permanent professor at PPG in Electrical Engineering at PUC-Campinas; Permanent professor of PPG in Urban Infrastructure Systems at PUC-Campinas; She was Coordinator of PPG in Urban Infrastructure Systems at PUC-Campinas (2016-2018); She is currently Coordinator of the PPG in Electrical Engineering at PUC-Campinas; Ad-hoc Consultant FAPESP. She also acts as a reviewer of national and international scientific journals, including: IEEE Transactions on Education, the Sba magazine: Control & Automation of the Brazilian Automation Society, IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution and IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Has experience in the area of Electric Power Systems, with emphasis on the areas of Automation, Operation and Planning of Electric Systems; Building automation; Intelligent Buildings; Building and Industrial Electrical Installations; Load Modeling; Energy Efficiency; Electrotechnics and Engineering Teaching. It also develops, as a consultancy and rendering of engineering services, technical works related to low, medium and high voltage electrical installation projects.
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Panel Discussion 4: Product Development and Innovation.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Fábio Menegatti de Melo, PhD
He holds a doctorate degree from UNICAMP (Mechanical Engineering, 2018) with his research directed toward vibration of structures and machines. After a brief experience in industry working with noise and vibration, he started his academic career as a Lecturer in private colleges around Campinas Area. He also had the opportunity to teach at Federal Institute for Education, Science and Technology (IFSP). He is currently a Lecturer at Pontifical University of Campinas, where he teaches several courses related to Mechanical Engineering. He is also working as Academic Assistant (IAG), being responsible for supporting the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, the Center for Technology Studies, Environmental and Exact Sciences (CEATEC), the School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Computer Engineering. He is very interested in noise and vibration of structures and machines, as well as additive manufacturing, design of products and engineering education.
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Panel Discussion 5: Telecommunications, Product Development and Innovation in Mobile Systems.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Edgard Luciano Oliveira da Silva, PhD.
Assistant Professor at the State University of Amazonas (UEA) since 2005, he works in the area of Digital Systems, microprocessors and embedded at the UEA-NUCOMP (Nucleus of Computation). He has experience in Speech Synthesis, Speech Recognition, and Digital Signal Processing. He also participated in pacemaker integrated circuit projects and also in Software Defined Radio projects at the Genius Institute of Technology. His current interest is the characterization of electricity consumption in residential and industrial environments. He holds a doctorate (2016) and a master's degree (1996) from UNICAMP and an undergraduate degree (1990) in Electrical Engineering from EFEI (now UNIFEI).
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Thirt Day
Panel Discussion 6: Technologies Applied to Urban Infrastructure.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. David Bianchini, PhD.
David Bianchini holds a degree in electronic engineering from Escola de Engenharia Mauá (1979) with 20 years of professional experience in telecommunications companies (Ecodata and EMBRATEL). His postgraduate studies in Administration by the University of São Francisco - USF, the Master's Degree in Education by PUC-Campinas on the Quality of Higher Education and the Doctorate in Education by the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2003) focused on Science, Education and Technology. He recently specialized in Psychoanalysis - theory and technique at the Center for Training and Health Care - CEFAS (2013 - 2016). He held positions at PUC-Campinas as coordinator of the Electrical Engineering Course, Director of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Informatics - Master degree in Informatics - area of concentration: Telecommunications and Information Systems - Management of Networks and Services, and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering - Professional Master's Degree. He presided over the Committee of Ethics in Research with Human Beings of this University in the triennium 2013-2016.
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Moderator: Prof. MSc. Telmo Cardoso Lustosa.
He holds bachelor's degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering by the National School of Engineering (currently Polytechnic School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). He also worked at Embratel in the area of network and service management and hold a Master's degree from UNICAMP, in 2017, with thesis on the application of the concepts of management in projects of intelligent cities.
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Panel Discussion 7: Applied Biomedicines.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Victor A. M. Montalli, PhD.
Professor of undergraduate and graduate courses at Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic - SLMANDIC. Post-doctorate by the SLMANDIC Institute and Research Center, PNPD / CAPES scholarship. PhD in Medical Sciences, area of concentration in Pathology, by the University of Campinas - FCM-UNICAMP, FAPESP scholarship holder. Master in Dentistry, area of concentration in Oral Pathology, by SLMANDIC, CNPQ fellow. Graduated in Dentistry from SLMANDIC, FAPESP scholarship holder. Effective member of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (SBPqO), Brazilian Society of Stomatology and Oral Pathology (SOBEP), American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) and chairman of the deliberative council of the Association of Dental Surgeons of Campinas (ACDC). Member of the advisory committee of the Population-Based Cancer Registry of Campinas - SP (RCBP). Member of the Biosafety Working Group of the São Paulo Regional Dentistry Council (CROSP). Member of the Hub Mandic Management Council. Develops teaching activity in Dentistry, in the area of Stomatology, Microbiology and Biostatistics. He has experience in the field of diagnostic pathology, with an emphasis on oral pathology, working mainly on the following themes: neoplasms of salivary glands, neoplasms of odontogenic origin, oral microbiota and resistance to antimicrobials.
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Poster Presentation
Moderator: Profa. Dr. Ana Cláudia Seixas, PhD.
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Maringá (1995), Master in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Maringá (1998) in the area of Catalysis and PhD in Food Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2006) with an emphasis on Wastewater Treatment. Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University Campinas (2007-2019), working in Solid Waste, Selective Collection, Wastewater Treatment, Supply Water Treatment and Environmental Technologies. Representative of PUC-Campinas in the Municipal Technical Group on Politics and the National Plan for Environmental Education in the City of Campinas (2015). Developed Extension Plans and Projects at PUC-Campinas under the theme Actions of University Extension Aimed at Integrated Management of Urban Solid Waste (2016-2019). Member of the Academic and Scientific Committee of the Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym) (2017-Current). 20-year experience teaching in higher education courses (Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Nutrition and Biomedicine) at private colleges (Unis-Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, Unifenas, PUC-Poços de Caldas, Faj-Faculdade de Jaguariúna, Instituto Japi de Ensino Superior in Jundiaí and PUC-Campinas). Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Environmental Sanitation at Unis (2003-2004). Post-Graduation Professor in Occupational Safety at PUC-Campinas (2019).
Moderator: Profa. Dra. Marina Lavorato de Oliveira.
She received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, in 2002 and 2004, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2010, all in electrical engineering. Currently, she is a PhD Professor, in Dedication Scheme (40h), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Permanent professor at PPG in Electrical Engineering at PUC-Campinas; Permanent professor of PPG in Urban Infrastructure Systems at PUC-Campinas. Her areas of research are the development of mathematical models and methodologies for the optimization, planning, and control of electrical power systems..
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