Official Opening and Closing
Moderator: Eng. Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Catholic University of Campinas (PUC Campinas), with MBAs in the areas of Business Logistics (FGV) and Project Management also by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), specializing in Urban Mobility Planning, Modeling and Management (UNIMEP And University Belgium Liège) and Quality and Productivity through the technical college of Unicamp (Cotuca). With 17 years of experience working as a US multinational in Information Technology, he has developed expertise in several areas such as government relations for local manufacturing (PPB), regulation of computer and telecommunication products (INMETRO and ANATEL), as well as international contract management For the local manufacture of computer products, management of the supply chain of manufacturing and delivery, among other activities. With a consolidated professional career, began in 2013 a new journey of personal development to dedicate to research. The chosen area corresponds to the information technology (due to the professional knowledge acquired during the 17 years of experience) applied to the urban infrastructure (due to its area of formation). Since then, he has been dedicated to the area of study in intelligence for cities (smarts cities) with an emphasis on urban infrastructure and telecommunications, where he holds a Master's degree from PUC Campinas (Dec / 2016). PhD student at UNICAMP (FECC) is developing a study in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) applied to the model of intelligent city to the Brazilian context, defended in his Master's Dissertation.
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Opening Spearker - First Day - from 10 am to 12 noon - Auditorium 1
Speaker: PhD. Douglas Galante
BsC in Molecular Sciences by the University of Sao Paulo (2003), PhD in Astronomy by the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospherics Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo in 2009 and post-doctorate at the same institute (2012). Currently has a permanent position as researcher at the Synchrotron National Laboratory (LNLS/CNPEM), coordinating the TGM beamline (UV-VUV), developing a work o multiparametric simulation of space and planetary environments for Astrobiology and Astrochemistry, theoretically and experimentally. He is also an associate researcher of the Research Unity of Astrobiology (NAP-Astrobio), at the University of Sao Paulo. The main research interests are on the field of Astrobiology and Astrochemistry, especially on the study of the interaction of radiation and living systems, from micro to macro scales using theoretical and experimental tools, specially synchrotron radiation; and Astronomy, with emphasis on stellar evolution, acting mainly on high energy events, such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and nuclear astrophysics.
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Closing Spearker - Third Day - from 3 pm to 4 pm - Auditorium 1
Speaker: PhD. Eng. Osmar Roberto Bagnato
Graduated in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (1982), Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering by the State University of Campinas (1992) in the subject of brazing ceramic metal in high vacuum; PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2002) in the area of ceramic metal welding by diffusion and postdoctoral degree at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2004) in the brazing area of metallic ceramics with Ni nanoparticles. He has been responsible for the Material Group at LNLS - Brazilian Synchrotron Light Technology Association since 1988 and was also responsible for the Industry Interaction Sector from January 2002 to December 2003. Since March 1992, he has been a professor at the São Francisco University, in the associate category since 2002. He was the Coordinator of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Course at the Itatiba campus, from January 1998 to December 2000. He later served as Coordinator Of the Mechanical Engineering - Automation and Control Course at the Campinas campus from January 2007 to July 2009. He has experience in Materials Engineering, Metallurgy and Ceramics, with emphasis on welding under vacuum, mechanical and microstructural characterization by microscopy Electronics, as well as developing materials and manufacturing processes. It works mainly in the following subjects: alumina, brazing, vacuum, diffusion welding, nanoparticles, mechanical tests and microstructural analysis. The scientific production consisted of 5 articles in indexed journals, 3 in foreign journals and 2 in Brazil. He presented 42 papers in scientific congresses, 10 being abroad and 30 in the country. He leads a scientific initiation work, having already supervised 10 others, besides 3 course completion papers. Participated in doctoral, master's degree, CBT and competition bank for teachers. FAPESP, through the FAPESP PROCESS NO. 2003 / 11583-5, "DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL RESISTANCE OF BRASID JUNCTIONS USING CHEMICALLY METALLIZED ALUMINA" at the Universidad Politécnica da Catalunya from January to August 2004 in Barcelona, Spain. Coordinator of a FINEP-PETROBRAS project (Nationalization of Premium Screens for Sand Control in Oil and Gas Wells, Project: FINEP Reference No. 2438/06), carried out from January 2007 to December 2009, in the area of nationalization of Components, developing manufacturing processes and equipment for vacuum diffusion welding, producing joints between austenitic stainless steels, Ni superalloys, and non-ferrous metals. The project was developed in partnership with a private company ADEST, to which will be transferred the technology of welding by diffusion to the union of filter elements. Coordinator n LNLS, from PIPE II project FAPESP, Development of filter elements in Inconel 625 for premium screen? PIPE FAPESP / LNLS? ADEST, in development from 2008 to 2010. The objective of the project is to develop welding by diffusion and characterization of metal fabrics in inconel 625, targeting the oil industry. The project is under development with the company ADEST. Coordinates in the LNLS, the development of the Pro-Engineering project CAPES - Growth of crystalline Nano CVD diamond in large areas in metallic substrates, joined by the process of vacuum brazing, in partnership with INPE of São José dos Campos.Period of execution 2009 To 2013. Coordinator of the project "QUALIFICATION OF PREMIUM SAND FILTERS DEVELOPED IN BRAZIL", inaugurated in August 2010, together with the Norwegian oil multinational Statoil Petróleo Brasil Ltda. It has also developed research activities in carbonate rocks in conjunction with CENPES / PETROBRAS in the area of chemical and morphological characterization. He participated as a collaborator in several projects FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES as collaborator.
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Panel discussion 1: ITS (Intelligent Transportation System), Automotive Connectivity, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Powertrain, Embarked Electronics, Infotainment, Safety, Chassis, Vehicular Networks, Emissions - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Moderator: Prof. Phd. Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1983), master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1989) and Ph.D. in Dynamics - Imperial College of Science Tecnology Medicine (2009) Post-Doctorate / Euro Brazilian Windows - WorkingProgramme for Staff / Post-Doctoral Mobility Academic Year: Institut National Politechnique de Grenoble -Grenoble, France (1984) Assistant Professor Doctor of the State University of Campinas. He has experience in Mechanical Engineering, with emphasis on Dynamics of Rigid, Elastic and Plastic Bodies, working mainly on the following topics: finite elements, dynamics, nonlinear vibrations, control, intelligent transport, autonomous vehicles.
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Speaker: Eng. Murilo Cesar Perin Briganti
Specialist in ADAS Technologies, develops benchmarking studies on the evolution of handling technologies. He has extensive knowledge in technologies developed for high performance vehicles, having worked in the Lotus Formula 1 Team. Author of articles on the technological development of the automotive sector, with emphasis on the future of electrification, mobility and vehicle autonomy. Murilo holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP-Bauru. Currently holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from UNICAMP. Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the Laboratory of Visual Communication - Electrical Engineering and Computing of UNICAMP.
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Panel discussion 2: Smart cities, smart grid data security, mobility data security, big data digital processing on avionics systems - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Moderator: Prof. PhD. Osamu Saotome
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA (1974), Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the Digital Signal Processing modality, at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (1984) and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the modality of Processing Digital Signals, Tokyo Institute of Technology (1987). He has experience in Electronic Engineering with focus on Electronic Circums, Microprocessors, DSPs, Embedded Electronic Systems, FPGAs, Intelligent Sensors, Embedded Software, Avionics Systems, Electronic Aerospace Systems, acting in the following subjects: real-time systems , electronic devices and systems, algorithms, digital signal processing, digital image and video processing, FPGA systems design, radar receivers, global geo-positioning systems, GNSS, GPS. He has experience in Mechatronics Systems Engineering, in the Aerial Robotics, Inertial Systems, Ultra-High Reliability Systems, Certifiable Avionics Systems, acting on the following subjects: quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets,quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets,artificial satellite board computer,autonomous navigation of aerial robots.
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Speaker: Eng. Ricardo Azevedo
He has experience in Mechatronics Systems Engineering, in the Aerial Robotics, Inertial Systems, Ultra-High Reliability Systems, Certifiable Avionics Systems, acting on the following subjects: quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets,quadricopters, quadricopters in fleets,artificial satellite board computer,autonomous navigation of aerial robots.Ricardo has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Paulista UNIP and Undergraduate research at the Center for Radio Astronomy and Space Applications (CRAAE) at Mackenzie University in research and development. Professional with experience in developing embedded systems for special applications and projects in data centers. He worked in the IT area focused on Automation Industry on Mercedes Benz of Brazil. Currently he is Solutions Engineer at Phoenix Contact in Brazil, accounting for Projects and Training in Automotive, Energy, Transport, Building and Water Segments.
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Speaker: Eng. Alberto Denys de Aguiar
Graduated Electronic Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics - ITA (1976). Specialist in evaluation of projects and companies by the Getulio Vargas Foundation Rio (1996). He worked in the Embratel between 1977 and 1982. He designed a device called digital telegraphic phonic patented by Embratel in 1980 and manufactured by TECNASA. Professor of ITA's computing division from 1982 to 1985. Introduced teaching of Assembler, microprocessor architecture and operating systems. Brascontrol's development manager from 1986 to 1988. He worked on the nationalization of process control equipment from Fischer Controls. He managed the computer science department of the Paraiba Valley University from 1989 to 1992. He was responsible for transferring the course of computer technology from ITA to UNIVAP. He developed a geographic information system for microcomputers. He was responsible for the introduction of GIS in the PROSPEC / PROSYS aerial photogrammetry company from 1993 to 1996. He developed a methodology for the use of vector GIS in the mapping of the Paraiba do Sul River basin. He developed the GIS used in the Suzano Pulp and Paper farms. He developed the GIS for use by the IPTU in Cabo Frio and Buzios. He worked in the São José dos Campos Town Hall from 1998 to 2000. He developed São José dos Campos Geographical Information System. He implanted the UNIVAP GIS laboratory currently used for a master's degree course in GIS. Managing Partner of Geobrax Systems since 2001. Implemented and operated the UNIVAP online learning platform, participated in the WIFI network project for connection between the buildings of São Caetano do Sul City Government, participated in the project and implementation of the WIFI network for coverage of the municipality of Osasco. Provided advice to the São José dos Campos City Government in the implementation of the WIFI external coverage of the municipality and internal coverage in the municipal schools.
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Panel discussion 3: Solid wastes selective collection. Treatment of wastewater and treatment of water supply. Environmental technologies. Development of Plans and Extension Projects under the theme Actions of the University Extension Focused on the Integrated Management of Solid Residues - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Moderator: Prof. PhD. Ana Cláudia Seixas
Degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Maringá, a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Maringá and a PhD in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2006). Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University Campinas, working mainly on the following topics: solid waste, selective collection, wastewater treatment and treatment of water supply, environmental technologies. Was Representative of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas to compose the Municipal Technical Group of Policy and the National Environmental Education Plan - Campinas City Hall. Currently Develops Plans and Extension Projects at PUC-CAMPINAS under the theme Actions of University Extension Focused on the Integrated Management of Solid Waste.
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Speaker: Eng. Josué Graton
Graduated in Environmental Engineering and Post-Graduation in Occupational Safety Engineering at the University of São Paulo, he has more than 8 years of experience in the field of reverse electronics logistics and has been acting in the implementation of the proposal of the electronics sector to attend national policy Solid waste in Brazil.
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Speaker: Eng. Alexandre Gonçalves
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUCC), he holds a specialization in Investigation of Contaminated Areas by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Current director of urban cleaning in the city of Campinas.
The generation of waste in numbers, the systemic view of waste management considering the environmental, social, cultural, economic, technological and public health variables; the rate of waste and the balance between its value and the quality of the service provided; the reduction of generation through the 3Rs policy, adequate final disposal methods such as composting and biological and energy recycling and final disposal in landfill.
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Second Day
Panel discussion 4: Algorithms and technologies in visual computing, Image and video analysis for a web, Machine learning for image and video processing, Visual quality evaluation, Compression, transmission, storage, segmentation and image recovery, Quality control without any Image processing, human-computer interaction using image processing, image processing for real-time control, medical image processing, image and video processing and analysis. - from 9 am to 12 noom
Moderator: PhD. Eng. Frank Alexis Canahuire Cabello
Graduated in Mechatronic Engineering - Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (2009), master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp (2013) and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp (2016). He is currently a postdoctoral student at Unicamp's Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He has experience in Computer Science, with emphasis on Image Processing, working mainly in the following subjects: Medical Image Processing, Parallel Programming, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.
Speaker: PhD. Eng. Rogério Seiji Higa
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas, he holds a Masters and PhD in the areas of signal processing and image and computational photography also from the State University of Campinas. Currently works at the Eldorado Research Institute in the area of digital image quality in the ImagingLab project. |
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Speaker: Profa. Msc. Vania V. Estrela
B.Sc. from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE); M.Sc. from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), Sao Jose dos Campos; M.Sc. degree in ECE at Northwestern University, Illinois (IL), USA; and Ph.D. in ECE from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), IL, USA. Taught at: DeVry University; DePaul University; Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil; and for the Universidade Estadual da Zona Oeste (UEZO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Visiting professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IPRJ)/State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in Nova Friburgo, RJ. Currently working at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, RJ for the Department of Telecommunications. Research interests include: signal/image/video processing, inverse problems, computational & mathematical modeling, stochastic models, multimedia, communications, motion estimation, machine learning and geoprocessing. Reviewer for the following journals/magazines: IMAVIS (Elsevier); Pattern Recognition (Elsevier); Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier); IET Image Processing; IET Computer Vision and International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP). Engaged in topics such as technology transfer, engineering/math/computer education, environmental issues and digital inclusion. Member of IEEE, and ACM. Editor of IJIP. |
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Speaker: Prof. Dr. Guillermo Kemper
Electronic Engineer, graduated from Private University Antenor Orrego de Trujillo (1994). Doctor in Electronic Engineering in the Line of Digital Processing of Signals and Images. Degree obtained at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brazil (2001). Master in Electronic Engineering on the High Definition Digital TV Line HDTV. Degree obtained at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brazil (1996). Research Professor at the National University of Engineering (Peru), University of San Martín de Porres (Peru) and Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Peru). Researcher and consultant of the Executive Board of INICTEL-UNI. He is currently Coordinator of the Master Program in Digital Signal Processing and Images of the National Engineering University (Peru), funded by CONCYTEC and MINEDU. He developed and mentored more than 50 research projects in the line of signal processing and imaging. It also has several publications in indexed national and international newspapers, magazines, conferences and congresses. He was a researcher of the CPqD-Telebrás-UNICAMP agreement and trainee of the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory of Campinas SP Brazil (LNLS). |
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Panel discussion 5: Telecommunication, Product Development and Innovation in Mobile Systems, New Products and services, 4G and 5G cellphone mobile systems, Systems of Pay TV (HFC, DTH, IPTV,VOD, On Demand and Life stream), IP protocol and NeoGenesis. - from 9 am to 12 noom
Moderator: Eng. Paolo Bacega
Graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at Salesian University Center of São Paulo – UNISAL. Postgraduate in Digital TV Engineering from Unisal, in 2014 worked at TVA (Abril Group) and Telefonica in the IPTV and Pay TV area how Project Engineer and TV System Engineer, He is a masters’s degree candidate in Electrical Engeneering from Unicamp.
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Speaker: PhD. Eng. Antonio Marcos Alberti
Electrical engineer from UFSM. Master and PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Faculty of Electrical Eng (FEEC) of Unicamp. Postdoctoral degree from the ETRI Future Department, South Korea. Professor at Inatel since 2004. Researcher in the area of information architectures, including smart places, cyber infrastructures and new Internet architectures. Creator of the NovaGenesis project (, alternative architecture to TCP / IP. Author of several technical and scientific articles. Contributor to the IoT / M2M National Plan and Future Forum of the Internet of South Korea. Observer of emerging technologies and enthusiastic of technological evolution and its difficulties. |
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Speaker: Eng. Eduardo Camargo
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Panel discussion 6: Development of New Products, Quality Control and Food Safety, Food Science and Technology, Innovation and Technological Development, Food Biotechnology and Sensory Properties of Food. Process Control and Automation Processes, Polymer Science and Technology, Energy, Synthesis, Process Analysis and Optimization, Materials Science and Technology, Waste and Effluent Treatment - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Topics related to Processes of Separation, Control and Automation of Processes, Science and Technology of Polymers, Energy, Synthesis, Analysis and Optimization of Processes, Materials Science and Technology, Waste treatment and effluents will also be addressed.
Moderator: Prof. PhD. Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa
Professor of thermal and fluids at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at São Francisco University (USF). He holds a PhD in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of Physical Separations, funded by Cnpq, with a sandwich doctorate from the University of Alberta, funded by the PDSE-CAPES program. He holds a Master's Degree in Food Engineering from UNICAMP, in the area of process engineering applied to the food industry, funded by CAPES. He holds a degree in Food Engineering from the University of Taubaté (2008). He completed three scientific initiation projects funded by FAPESP.
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Speaker: MsC. Eng. Renato Sano Coelho
He worked for about 4 years in the food and pharmaceutical industries in the areas of processes and quality. He returned to Unicamp to attend a Masters in Food Engineering in the area of Bioprocess Engineering, where he researched the production of organic acids from industrial waste, a job that resulted in a patent filing by Unicamp's Innovation Agency. After completing his Masters degree, he joined the PhD program of Chemical Engineering at Unicamp, where he developed research in the area of biofuels production from microalgae, in a project financed by Petrobras. He joined the double degree program between the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and Unicamp, defending his doctoral degree valid for the two universities in 2017. He is currently the researcher responsible and co-founder of small company in the area of energy and fertilizer production From industrial waste, a project financed by the PIPE-Fapesp Program in partnership with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Unicamp. Summary: |
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Speaker: Eduardo Carità
Mikronos Microencapsulation Ltda and Functional Mikron (Division of Ultrapan Ind. And Com. Ltda.), In addition to coordinating research in Innovation, and producing solutions for Cellular Nutrition, works in the installation of industrial plant for the production of Functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals using various techniques of Micro and Nano encapsulation. Acting as Director of Technology and Innovation in Functional Mikron (Division of Ultrapan Ind. and Com. Ltda.), where besides coordinating research in Innovation, and producing solutions aimed to Cellular Nutrition, works in the installation of industrial plant for the production of Functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals using various techniques of Micro and Nano encapsulation. |
Speaker: Rodney Alexandre Ferreira Rodrigues
Mikronos Microencapsulation Ltda and Functional Mikron (Division of Ultrapan Ind. And Com. Ltda.), In addition to coordinating research in Innovation, and producing solutions for Cellular Nutrition, works in the installation of industrial plant for the production of Functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals using various techniques of Micro and Nano encapsulation. Acting as Director of Technology and Innovation in Functional Mikron (Division of Ultrapan Ind. and Com. Ltda.), where besides coordinating research in Innovation, and producing solutions aimed to Cellular Nutrition, works in the installation of industrial plant for the production of Functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals using various techniques of Micro and Nano encapsulation. |
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Speaker: Prof. Dr. Moysés Naves de Moraes
Professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, Center for Natural Sciences, Lagoa do Bell Campus. He holds a degree in food engineering from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and during the graduation of extension projects, scientific initiation, event organization, and is administered by the food engineering and agronomy company of the UFG (CIPPAL). Master in Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Viçosa - UFV, where he studied finite element analysis, Artificial neural networks, Numerical methods applied in engineering and Food research methodology, providing a good mathematical training for use in modeling and experimental statistics. He developed his research related to a physical-chemical and rheological characterization of yoghurts elaborated with different fat substitutes. He holds a PhD from the Department of Food Engineering of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), where he has developed research with extraction of bioactive compounds using pressurized fluids (CO2, water, etc.), fractionation, standardization and purification of vegetable extracts, processing of natural products and production of nano and microparticles employing supercritical fluids. Participate in the extension course in Six Sigma Methodology - Green Belt Training, taught at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation (IMECC), and twice participated in the program of internship in teaching at Unicamp, in the discipline of Thermodynamics. Currently there is no Food Engineering Course in the disciplines of Transport Phenomena, Fluid Mechanics and Experimental Statistics. Summary: |
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Panel discussion 7: Product Development and Innovation; Sustainable Development and Environmental Management; Economic engineering; Organizational Engineering; Factory Project; Lean manufacturing; Integrated management system; Quality; Metrology; Manufacturing Automation; And Strategic Management. - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Moderator: MsC. Eng. Luiz Vicente Figueira de Mello
Coordinator of the Production Engineering Course at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, campus Campinas, since 2015. He began teaching in 2011 at the Engineering School of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Higienópolis campus. Experience of ten years in multinational industry of the Automotive sector in the areas of Product Engineering, Technical Support, After Sales Services and Experimental Engineering and five years of professional experience in the pioneer company in the environmental vehicle inspection in the city of São Paulo, responsible technician with focus on Standardization and management of productive units of services. He holds a degree in Automotive Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2009), postgraduate degree in Communication and Marketing from the Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2005), holds a degree in Business Administration (2002) and in Mechanical Engineering (1999) Mackenzie Presbiterian University.
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Speaker: Eng. Marcelo F. Pinto
Career dedicated to Operational Excellence in the industries, providing IT solutions for Manufacturing and Industrial Automation. Currently, also dedicated to the development of projects Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing in Brazil. As Marketing and Sales Director of PPI-Multitask, responsible for Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and sales in companies such as ABB, Alstom, Bauducco, Coca-Cola, Deca / Duratex, Goodyear, Magna Cosma, Nokia, PPG, Stanley Black & Decker, Thyssenkrupp, Schaeffler, Weber Saint-Gobain, Votorantim and Zoetis. Professional MESA Certificate, MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral, Electronic Engineer from Universidade Mackenzie. |
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Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alessandra Cristina Santos Akkari
Bachelor in Science and Technology (2011), Federal University of ABC (UFABC); Production Engineer (2014), awarded by the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of São Paulo (CREA-SP) and PhD in Nanotechnology and Innovation (2015), at the Laboratory of Prospecting and Characterization of Bioactives of UFABC. Member of the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering - ABEPRO, evaluator of courses by the Student Guide and consultant in the area of Education and implementation of active teaching methodologies in technology-based courses. She is currently a Research Professor at the Center for Science and Technology at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with interest in the area of Industry 4.0, Ergonomics and Innovation. Summary: |
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Speaker: Prof. Eng. Marcos Almeida do Amaral
Graduated and Masters in Electrical Engineering by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. In your research, work with signal processing and telecommunications. He was a certification engineer in the company. UL do Brasil of telecommunications and information technology products (Anatel and Inmetro). Participated in the preparation, translation and application of norms and normative requirements for the Brazilian market. Made application, monitoring and analysis of electrical tests, electromagnetic compatibility, telecommunications and electrical safety. He works as a professor of higher education (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Center for Science and Technology - Campinas). Summary: |
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Panel discussion 8: Smart Cities, IoT, Sustainable Mobility, Smart Urban Mobility, Smart Parking, Smart Governance, Smart Mobility, Smart Utilities, Smart Buildings, and Smart Environment - from 2 pm to 5 pm
Moderator: MsC. Eng. Telmo Cardoso Lustosa
Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering by the National School of Engineering, now Polytechnic of UFRJ. Worked at Embratel in the area of network and service management. Master's degree from UNICAMP, in 2017, with thesis on the application of the concepts of management in projects of intelligent cities.
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Speaker: Willian Barbanera
Director of CIMCamp, Integrated Monitoring Center of Campinas, Organ linked to the Municipal Secretariat for Cooperation in Public Security Affairs. Graduated in Systems Analysis, postgraduate in Public Safety and Command. Former director of computerization of the City Hall of Campinas between 1997 and 2001, when the bug of the Year 2000. Owner of the company ConsulTI-Consultoria em TI, where from 2002 to 2013, the project was modernized for about 60 prefectures. public safety since 2008, having worked in the municipalities of Indaiatuba, Jundiaí, Valinhos and Campinas. |
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Speaker: PhD. Lourdes Zilberberg
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from Universidad de la República-UDELAR in Uruguay, she holds an MBA in International Business & Business from FAAP-PennState University in the USA, a Master's Degree in Creativity and Innovation from the Fernando Pessoa University of Portugal and is currently Ph.D. And Management of Higher Education at the Tres de Febrero National University of BS AS, Argentina. In addition to being Director of Internationalization and Local Director of the Confucius Institute for Business of FAAP, she is a specialist in Internationalization of Higher Education and in Intercultural and Global Competence. |
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Speaker: BsC. Márcio Fernando Correia Ricardo
Graduated in Systems Analysis, he has been working for 37 years in the field of information technology with the City Hall of Campinas, developing and managing solutions that facilitate the activities in its various Secretariats. At IMA - Informática de Municípios Associados S / A, he was a Solution Development Manager and Technical Director, where he brought the concept of intelligent cities to Campinas, encouraging the creation of mobile applications for citizens to have greater access to City services. |
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Panel discussion 9: Propagation and Coverage; Regulation of Services; Analog TV shutdown; New Generation of Digital TV; Interactivity in Digital TV; Digital Sound Broadcasting; Multiprogramming in Digital TV; UHD, 4K and HDR; Broadcast and Broadband; Mobile reception and Migration AM to FM - from 9 am to 12 noom
Moderator: MsC. Eng. Paulo Eduardo Dos Reis Cardoso
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from FEEC-Unicamp (2002) and master's degree in Electrical Engineering (Electronics) by demic-FEEC-Unicamp (2005). Currently a a PhD Candidate by Department of Communications, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Unicamp.
Research Interests: Telecommunications, Digital Signal Processing (Image and Video), Digital TV, HDTV, and Broadcast Engineering |
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Speaker: Eng. Jose Eduardo Marti Cappia
Electrical Engineer since 1979. Director of EMC Company - SOLUTION IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS of 1991. EMC Performed Digital Radio tests at UFMG - Belo Horizonte and Technical Responsible for tests of HD Radio in Cordeirópolis - SP and DRM in Belo Horizonte. Evaluation and defense of thesis with the IBiquity in the USA, about the coexistence of digital broadcasters in the first adjacent FM channels. Deployment in 2014 of the testing station, in eFM - 84.7 MHz - Jovem Pan - São Paulo. At AESP - leader of the Technical Committee since 2011. Performance in the Radio SET Board - since 2011. Summary |
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Speaker: Eng. Raphael Barbieri
Raphael Barbieri holds an MBA in Project Management from FGV (2014) and holds a degree in Computer Engineering from UNICAMP (2007) with emphasis on industrial systems and processes. He is currently studying for Masters degree at Electrical Engineering Faculty of UNICAMP, Member of the Technical Module of the SBTVD Forum and Product Manager of EiTV, where he works since 2007 with the study and development of new hardware and software technologies for the Brazilian digital TV system (SBTVD). Summary |
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Speaker: Prof. PhD. João Benedito dos Santos Junior
B.Sc. in Computer Science (1992) from University of Alfenas (UNIFENAS), a M.Sc. in Computer Science (1998) from University of São Paulo (USP), a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2001) from the both University of São Paulo (USP) and C.S.E.L.T (Italy). He also was visiting researcher at the Pos-Doctoral level (2006) at University of Coimbra (Portugal). His carreer as lecturer in Computer Science has started from 1993. Since 2002, he is Associate Professor IV at Department of Computer Science at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas). |
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Panel discussion 10: Contextualization of the Innovation Scenario in Brazil. Innovation Management and Business Intelligence. Intellectual Property (IP) and IP Management in Business. Mapping and Technological Prospecting - from 9 am to 12 am
Moderator: Prof. MSc. João de Oliveira Junior
He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computing from the University of Franca (1975), a Specialization in Business Economics from the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and a Master's Degree in Quality from the State University of Campinas (1995). University professor, author of 2 books in the IT area, several articles published in magazines and national newspapers. Worked for years in the private sector (automotive and related industries). Server of CTI - Information Technology Center Renato Archer, organ linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC and General Coordinator of the NIT Mantiqueira of Innovation, of the DPO - Directorate of Research Units and Social Organizations / MCTIC. He has experience in the area of Technology Management and Administration, with emphasis on Innovation, Planning, Quality Management, Intellectual Capital, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer, among others, acting in main subjects: Administration, Strategic Planning, Criteria of Excellence In Management, Structuring of NITs, Human Intellectual Capital, Innovation, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Information Technology.
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Speaker: MSc. Ricardo Horiuchi
MBA in Science, Technology and Innovation - FIA / SP - Bentley University / Boston. Specialization in Intellectual Property and Innovation by JICA (Japan international Cooperation Agency) – Japan. Graduated in biology and master in biochemistry / neurosciences both formations by Unicamp. Specialization in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at Unicamp. Since 2005 has been dedicated to activities related to research and development in the search for competitive advantage through technology mapping. Has professional experience working in several projects with multinational and national companies of small, medium and large-size, government and institutions of Teaching and Research. Lecturer in Innovation and Intellectual Property events: Petrobras, Oxiteno, Natura, Votorantim - TechFair, Klabin, Unicamp, Usp, Unesp, UFRGS, UFU - Symposium on Innovation and Technological Development, Fiocruz, Federation of Industries of SC, SENAI SP, Nit Mantiqueira - 1st Brazil Conference on the Innovation Hub, Scip, Innovation Experience, Moblity Show, American Chamber of Commerce, German Chamber of Commerce and invited in graduate classes. |
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Speaker: Eng. José Roberto da Cunha Júnior
MBA - Project Management FGV Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2011/2012 ), Intellectual Property Course WIPO (2012), Postgraduate Diploma in Technical Writing UNICERES-UNESP (2004), Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Engineering and Evaluations (1997), UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Graduation in Mechanical Engineering: Engineering School of Taubaté (1981 to 1985). Qualification: Vilage Marcas & Patentes – Technical Director , Member of the IP Committee of ANPEI – National Association of Research and Development of Innovative Companies. |
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Speaker: PhD Mariana Savedra
She holds a bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Campinas (2002), a master's degree in Professional Qualification and Management of HR from Otto von Guericke Universität - Magdeburg (2007) and a PhD in Scientific and Technological Policy from Unicamp (2014). She worked with market analysis, project management, intellectual property, spin-offs and technology transfer, working in companies in Brazil and Germany. She was a consultant, analyst and researcher of companies such as Vale, Thyssen Krupp, Eletrobras and Bosch in activities of technological prospection, structuring of corporate governance, technological planning and innovation management. She was a professor of economics and administration at several private universities and Director of Economic Development of the City Hall of Campinas, working with the implementation of science, technology and innovation policies. Currently, she is Director of Science and Technology of the city of Jundiaí. |
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Mini course in entrepreneurship - Second Day - from 9 am to 12 noom
Moderator: PhD. Eng. Rangel Arthur
Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University (1999), Master in Electrical Engineering (2002) and PhD in Electrical Engineering (2007) from the State University of Campinas. During the years 2011 to 2014 he was Coordinator and Associate Coordinator of the Telecommunications Technology and Telecommunications Engineering Courses at FT, which was created in his management. From 2015 to 2016 he was Associate Director of Unicamp's Faculty of Technology (FT). He is currently an evaluator of Unicamp's Innovation Agency (Inova). He has experience in the area of Electrical Engineering, with emphasis on Telecommunication Systems, working on our main topics: telecommunications, digital signal processing and control. He was and as a writer and co-executor in several research projects with CAPES, National Network of Teaching and Research (RNP) and Fapesp. He is a representative at the Brazilian System of Technology Unit (Sibratec). He is member of the Council of the Association of Environments of Innovation of Limeira-SP. In extension, since 2014 coordinates the course of Specialization in Mechatronics, also taught in FT.
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Speaker: PhD. Eng. Flávio Grynszpan
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from UFRJ (1966), having completed a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from COPPE / UFRJ (1967) and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, USA (1971). He was coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Program of COPPE / UFRJ and full professor of COPPE / UFRJ (1975). He coordinated COPPETEC, the department responsible for the projects of the University for Industry and Government, for ten years. He directed the Nucleus of Technological Innovation of UFRJ, which commercialized the results of the research of COPPE, until 1987, when he created the Technological Park of Rio de Janeiro, in Jacarepaguá. He became President of Riotec, a company that managed the activities of the Technology Park. He was vice president of IASP - International Association of Technology Parks (1986 to 1988). He was founder and president of the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering (1971 to 1976), member of the Technical-Scientific Council of CAPES (1975) and member of the CNPq Deliberative Council (1998 to 2002). From 1989, he became President of Motorola do Brasil, where he stayed for ten years and was responsible for the implantation of cell phone, radio and paging factories in Jaguariúna, São Paulo. He was vice-president of Abinee - Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronics Industry until 2001, member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation Institute of Administration - FIA (2000-2006) and director of Anpei from 2001 to 2008. He is Visiting Professor of the Foundation's MBA Institute of Administration, Director of the Technology Department of CIESP-São Paulo Industries Center and member of CONIC - Innovation and Competitiveness Council of FIESP - Federation of Industries of São Paulo. He currently works as a business consultant, specialized in Innovation, commercialization of Research and Entrepreneurship Results, in Brazil and in the international market. He is a consultant to two United States universities: the University of Virginia (since 2012) and Tufts University (since 2015). Since 2014, it has been dedicated to promoting technological innovation through the creation of technology-based startups: in contact with the National Science Foundation of the United States to bring the experience of the iCorps Program to Brazil; With FAPESP, it enabled a pilot program for the training of PIPE-Phase 1 companies in the methodology of Customer Discovery, which is the basis of the iCorps Program; Participated as assistant coordinator and instructor of the FAPESP Program PIPE High Tech Entrepreneurial Training Program, a partnership between FAPESP and George Washington University; Assistant coordinator and instructor of the FAPESP Programs PIPE Empreendedor, which trains, in each session, 21 startups PIPE Phase 1 of FAPESP. Two programs were held in 2016 and three programs are scheduled for 2017 and four programs per year, starting in 2018. He coordinates and is an instructor of the Startups Training Programs with the Polytechnic School of USP, which trains 10 startups of high technology. A program has been implemented in 2016 and four programs are scheduled for 2017; He coordinates and is an instructor of the Startups Training Programs at the Clinical Hospital of the Medical School of USP, which trains 10 high-tech startups in each session. A program was carried out in the first half of 2017 and two other programs are scheduled for the second semester; Organized and taught a course for Startups Mentors, offered to entrepreneurs with market experience. 48 mentors have already been trained and a new class with 12 mentors is underway. These mentors are working on programs conducted with Fapesp and USP; He created and directs the i-Corps Brazil Institute, focused on transferring research results through the creation of innovative startups.
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