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The BTSym'19 organizing committee invites researchers to attend and submit papers addressing the current research topics of interest. In 2019, the event after three days in duration, on October 22nd, 23rd and 24th, at the Mackenzie University, Campinas-SP. Proceedings of the event will be published by the Springer Nature publisher through the book Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Technology Symposium - Emerging Trends and Challenges in Technology, and this book will be published in the series "Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies".
Indexing: The books of this series "Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies" are submitted to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
This event seeks to bring together researchers, students and professionals from the industrial and academic sectors, seeking to create and/or strengthen the linkages between issues of joint interest. Participants are invited to submit research papers, case studies, articles of opinion or posters, showing studies, methodologies and results achieved in scientific level research projects, completion of course work for graduation, dissertations and theses.
The areas of knowledge covered by the event are Smart Designs, Sustainability, Inclusion, Future Technologies, IoT, Architecture and Urbanism, Computer Science, Information Science, Industrial Design, Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Civil Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval and Oceanic Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Probability and Statistics, Life Assistive, Electronic Government, Education Technologies, Difuse and Diverse Projects and Miscellaneous. Authors are invited to submit a paper in research article, review article, case study, opinion article, poster, or short commentaries form, that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works, and industrial experiences describing significant advances.
The Brazilian Technology Symposium respectfully asks scholars and experts in BTSym areas to consider being a member of the Reviewers Committee. If you are interested or if you have someone to recommend, please send CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We’ll have each CV carefully reviewed and select most suitable ones for BTSym.
Organizing and Executive Committee
- Yuzo Iano - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - General Chair BTSym & WSGE
- Osamu Saotome - ITA - Associate-General Chair BTSym
- Rangel Arthur - FT/UNICAMP - Vice-General Chair BTSym
- Vania Vieira Estrela - UFF - Vice-Associate-General Chair BTSym
- Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Technical Program and Finance Chair
- Telmo Cardoso Lustosa - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Local Arrangements Chair
- Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Registration Chair
- Reinaldo Padilha - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Proceedings Chair
- Alysson Gomes de Oliveira - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Marketing Chair
- Diego Arturo Pajuelo Castro - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Midia Chair
- Abel Dueñas Rodríguez - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Midia Chair
- Alex Rodriguez Ruelas - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Institutional Relationship Chair
- David Minango - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Institutional Relationship Chair
- Lisber Arana - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP - Institutional Relationship Chair
Scientific and Academic Committee
- Osamu Saotome - ITA
- Vania Vieira Estrela - UFF - Rio de Janeiro
- Luiz Cézar Martini - DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- David Bianchini - PUC/Campinas
- Luis Geraldo Pedroso Meloni - DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Saravanan Chandran - Dept of CSE, NIT Durgapur, WB, India
- Ana Cláudia Seixas - PUC/Campinas
- Cristiano Akamine - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
- Georgius Nikolakopoulos - University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
- Celso Iwata Frison - PUC/Minas-Poços de Caldas
- Luiz Vicente Figueira de Mello Filho - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
- Guillermo Leopoldo Kemper Vásquez - USMP & UNI-INICTEL
- Lia Toledo Moreira Mota - PUC/Campinas
- Sergey N. Filippov - St.Petersburg Phys&Math Lyceum 239, Russia
- Lucas Heitzmann Gabrielli - DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- R. Jenice Aroma - Sri Krishna College of Technology/Coimbatore
- Edgard Luciano Oliveira da Silva - EST/UEA
- Talía Simões dos Santos - FT/UNICAMP
- Janito Vaqueiro Ferreira - DMC/FEM/UNICAMP
- Vlademir de Jesus Silva Oliveira - UNEMAT/Sinop
- Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa - DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Santhanam Lakshmi - Jeppiaar SRR Engineering College, Chennai,India
- Antônio José da Silva Neto - IPRJ/UERJ
- Bruno Sanches Masiero - DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Marcos Antonio do Nascimento Guimarães - UNIP/CAMPINAS - JUNDIAÍ
- Alessandra Akkari - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
- Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
- Angela del Pilar Flores Granados - FEA/UNICAMP
- Paolo Bacega - Faculdade Anhanguera
- Marcos Fernando Espindola - IFSP São Paulo
- Navid Razmjooy - Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran
- Polyane Alves Santos - Instituto Federal Da Bahia
- Jude Hemanth - Karunya University, Coimbatore, India
- Abdeldjalil Khelassi - Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Chetouane, Algeria
Technical Reviewers Committee
- Adão Boava - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
- Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Amilton Lamas - PUC-Campinas
- Agord de Matos Pinto Júnior - DESIF/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Angela del Pilar Flores Granados - FEA/UNICAMP
- R. Jenice Aroma - Sri Krishna College of Technology/Coimbatore
- Joaquim Marcos Santa Rita da Silva - Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações
- Alysson Gomes de Oliveira - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- José Alexandre Nalon - Centro Universitário Salesiano São Paulo - UNISAL
- Murilo Cesar Perin Briganti - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Luigi Ciambarella Filho - Universidade Veiga de Almeida / Develop Biotechnology
- Ingrid Araujo Sampaio - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
- Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira - PUC Campinas
- Daniel Rodrigues Ferraz Izario - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Mariana Carvalho - DCA/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Santhanam Lakshmi - Jeppiaar SRR Engineering College, Chennai,India
- Navid Razmjooy - Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran
- Saravanan Chandran - Dept of CSE, NIT Durgapur, WB, India
- Edson José Gonçalves - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Alessandra Akkari - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
- Polyane Alves Santos - Instituto Federal Da Bahia
- Rangel Arthur - INOVA/FT/UNICAMP
- Reinaldo Padilha - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Sergey N. Filippov - St.Petersburg Phys&Math Lyceum 239, Russia
- Kelem Christine Pereira Jordão - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Josué Marcos de Moura Cardoso - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Giovanni Moura de Holanda - FITec - Technological Innovations, Brazil
- Euclides Lourenço Chuma - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Anand Deshpande - KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi
- Julío Humberto León Ruiz - LCV/DECOM/FEEC/UNICAMP
- Antônio José da Silva Neto - IPRJ/UERJ
- Abdeldjalil Khelassi - Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Chetouane, Algeria
- Raphael Ronald - CTI (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação)
- Raquel Jahara Lobosco - UFRJ/Macaé
- Necesio Gomes Costa - UFRJ
- Claudia Maria Moraes Santos - UNIVAP
- Vitor Chaves de Oliveira - IFSP São Paulo/Mackenzie
Contact BTSym Support
If you have any need for additional information, doubts, concerns and/or system issues please feel free to contact the Editorial Office via email. Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.